“Research on Li-ion and post-Li-ion batteries at the Sustainable Energy Laboratory of the National University of Córdoba” giovedì 6 Giugno ore 11 UNICAL – CNR ITM


“Research on Li-ion and post-Li-ion batteries at the Sustainable Energy Laboratory of the National University of Córdoba” giovedì 6 Giugno ore 11 UNICAL – CNR ITM

Giovedì 6 Giugno il Prof. Ezequiel Pedro Marcos LEIVA dell’University of Córdoba (Argentina) alle ore 11, IV piano cubo 17/C, terrà un seminario su: “Research on Li-ion and post-Li-ion batteries at the Sustainable Energy Laboratory of the National University of Córdoba”

"Research on Li-ion and post-Li-ion batteries at the Sustainable Energy Laboratory of the National University of Córdoba” giovedì 6 Giugno ore 11 UNICAL

Ultimo aggiornamento

5 Giugno 2024, 11:15

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